
Comunidades online e desenvolvimento profissional de professores

Havelock, B. (2004). Online Community and Professional Learning in Education: Research-Based Keys to Sustainability. Association for the Advancement of Computing In Education, 12(1), 56-84. Resumo: Though the concept of online community has been heralded as a promising tool to support teacher professional development, a robust and meaningful definition remains elusive. This review draws together research on community, teaching, and learning in traditional and online settings. Examples of current efforts in the field of online learning communities for teachers are described, and guidelines for their success and utility are synthesized from this diverse body of research. http://www.editlib.org/index.cfm/files/paper_1679.pdf?fuseaction=Reader.DownloadFullText&paper_id=1679 Um artigo que pode interessar sobre desenvolvimento profissional de professores e comunidades online. Talvez se possa associar ao uso de plataformas (moodle) na formação de professores. Ver também http://www.elearnspace.org/

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